Durand, Finn, Farchi, Bocquet, Brahard, Bertino: Four-dimensional variational data assimilation with a sea-ice thickness emulator, The Cryosphere, February, 2025, preprint.
Pasmans, Chen, Finn, Bocquet, Carassi: Ensemble Kalman filter in latent space using a variational autoencoder pair, QJRMS, February, 2025, preprint.
Rigotti, Dansereau, Weiss: Investigating the relation between elastic and relaxation properties of dry, frictional granular media during shear deformation, ARXIV, February, 2025, preprint.
Hell, Horvat: A method for constructing directional surface wave spectra from ICESat-2 altimetry, The Cryosphere, 18, 341–361, January, 2024.
Higgs, Skákala, Bannister, Carrassi, Ciavatta: Investigating ecosystem connections in the shelf sea environment using complex networks Biogeosciences,February, 2024.
Driscoll, Carrassi, Brajard, Bertino, Bocquet, Olason: Parameter sensitivity analysis of a sea ice melt pond parametrisation and its emulation using neural networks, Journal of Computational Science, March, 2024.
Charlton-Perez, Dacre, Driscoll et.al: Do AI models produce better weather forecasts than physics-based models? A quantitative evaluation case study of Storm Ciarán, Nature npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, April, 2024.
Durand, Finn, Farchi, Bocquet, Boutin, Olason: Data-driven surrogate modeling of high-resolution sea-ice thickness in the Arctic, The Cryosphere, 17, 2965–2991, April, 2024.
Finn, Durand, Farchi, Bocquet, Rampal, Carrassi: Generative diffusion for regional surrogate models from sea-ice simulations, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, April, 2024, preprint.
Lo Piccolo, Horvat, Fox-Kemper: Energetics and Transfer of Submesoscale Brine Driven Eddies at a Sea Ice Edge, Journal of Physical Oceanography , April, 2024.
Smith, Shiney-Ajay, Fleurantin, Pasmans: Investigating Ocean Circulation Dynamics Through Data Assimilation: A Mathematical Study Using the Stommel Box Model with Rapid Oscillatory Forcings, arXiv:2404.07134, April, 2024, submitted.
Pasmans, Chen, Carrassi,K.R.T. Jones: Tailoring data assimilation to discontinuous Galerkin models, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, May, 2024.
Chen, Smith, Carrassi, Pasmans, Bertino, Bocquet, Finn, Rampal, and Dansereau: Multivariate state and parameter estimation with data assimilation applied to sea-ice models using a Maxwell Elasto-Brittle rheology, The Cryosphere, May, 2024.
Ying: Introducing NEDAS: a Light-weight and Scalable Python Solution for Ensemble Data Assimilation, Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth System, May, 2024, preprint.
Finn, Durand, Farchi, Bocquet, Brajard: Towards diffusion models for large-scale sea-ice modelling, ICML 2024 workshop: Machine Learning for Earth System Modeling, June, 2024.
Brodeau, Rampal, Òlason, Dansereau: Implementation of a brittle sea-ice rheology in an Eulerian, finite-difference, C-grid modeling framework: Impact on the simulated deformation of sea-ice in the Arctic, Geosci. Model Dev. Discuss., August, 2024.
Blanchard-Wrigglesworth, Brenner, Webster, Horvat, Foss, Bitz: Model Biases in Simulating Extreme Sea Ice Loss Associated With the Record January 2022 Arctic Cyclone, JGR Ocean, August, 2024.
Jendersie, Lessig, Richter: a GPU-Parallelization of the neXtSIM-DG Dynamical Core, Chaos, September, 2024, preprint.
Bocquet, Farchi, Finn, durand, Cheng, Chen, Pasmans, Carassi: Accurate deep learning-based filtering for chaotic dynamics by identifying instabilities without an ensemble, Chaos, September, 2024.
Finn, Disson, Farchi, Bocquet, Durand: Representation learning with unconditional denoising diffusion models for dynamical systems, Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics, September, 2024.
Driscoll, Carrassi, Brajard, Bertino, Ólason, Bocquet, and Lawless: Data-driven emulation of melt ponds on Arctic sea ice, EGUsphere, October, 2024, preprint.
S. Brenner, C. Horvat: Scaling Simulations of Local Wind-Waves Amid Sea Ice Floes, JGR Ocean, November, 2024.
Cheng, Quilodran-Casas, Ouala, Farchi, Liu, Tandeo, Fablet, Lucor, Iooss, Brajard, Xiao, Janjic, Ding, Guo, Carrassi, Bocquet, Arcucci: Machine learning with data assimilation and uncertainty quantification for dynamical systems: a review, accepted for publication on the IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica.
Richter, Dansereau, Lessig, Minakowski: A dynamical core based on a discontinuous Galerkin method for higher-order finite-element sea ice modeling, Geosci. Model Dev., 16, 3907–3926, 2023.
Ayers, Lau, Amezcua, Carrassi, Ojha: Supervised machine learning to estimate instabilities in chaotic systems: estimation of local Lyapunov exponents, accepted for publication in Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society.
Maisonnave: _NEMO/neXtSIM-DG preliminary coupling interface _, Working Note, WN/CMGC/23/58, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France.
Boutin, Ólason, Rampal, Regan, Lique, Talandier, Brodeau, Ricker. Arctic Sea Ice Mass Balance in a New Coupled Ice–Ocean Model Using a Brittle Rheology Framework. The Cryosphere, 17, 617–638, 2023.
Finn, Durand, Farchi, Bocquet, Chen, Carrassi, Dansereau: Deep learning of subgrid-scale parametrisations for short-term forecasting of sea-ice dynamics with a Maxwell-Elasto-Brittle rheology., The Cryosphere, 17, 2965–2991, 2023.
Cheng, Chen, Aydoğdu, Bertino, Carrassi, Rampal, Jones: Arctic sea ice data assimilation combining an ensemble Kalman filter with a novel Lagrangian sea ice model for the winter 2019–2020, The Cryosphere, April, 2023.
Cheng, Quilodra ́n-Casas, Ouala, Farchi, Carrassi, Bocquect et al.: Machine Learning With Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Quantification for Dynamical Systems: A Review, EEE/CAA JOURNAL OF AUTOMATICA SINICA, June, 2023.
Ayers, Lau, Amezcua, Carrassi, Ojha: Supervised machine learning to estimate instabilities in chaotic systems: Estimation of local Lyapunov exponents, Quarterly Journal of the Royal Meteorological Society, March 2023.
Wang, Hwang, Bateson, Aksenov, Horvat: Summer sea ice floe size distribution in the Arctic: High-resolution optical satellite imagery and model evaluation. The Cryosphere, August, 2023.
Kopp, Oppenheimer, O’Reilly, Drijfhout, Edwards, Fox-Kemper, Garner, Golledge, Hermans, Hewitt, Horton, Krinner, Notz, Nowicki, Palmer, Slangen, and Xiao: Communicating projection uncertainty and ambiguity in sea-level assessment, Nature Climate Change, June, 2023.
Brenner, Horvat, Hall, Lo Piccolo, Fox-Kemper, Labbé, Dansereau: Scale-Dependent Air-Sea Exchange in the Polar Oceans: Floe-Floe and Floe-Flow Coupling in the Generation of Ice-Ocean Boundary Layer Turbulence, Geophysical Reserch Letters (GRL), December 07, 2023.
Van Katwyk, Fox-Kemper, Seroussi, et al.: A variational LSTM emulator of sea level contribution from the Antarctic ice sheet, Journal of in Modeling Earth Systems, December, 2023.
Ólason, Boutin, Korosov, Rampal, Williams, Kimmritz, Dansereau, Samaké: A New Brittle Rheology and Numerical Framework for Large-Scale Sea-Ice Models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, July, 2022.
Serripierri, Moreau, Boué, Weiss, Roux: Recovering and monitoring the thickness, density and elastic properties of sea ice from seismic noise recorded in Svalbard. The Cryosphere, 16, 2527–2543, June, 2022.
Boutin, Williams, Horvat, Brodeau: Modelling the Arctic Wave-Affected Marginal Ice Zone: A Comparison with ICESat-2 Observations Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 380, september, 2022.
Horvat: Floes, the Marginal Ice Zone, and Coupled Wave-Sea-Ice Feedbacks. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 380, september, 2022.
Horvat, Seabrook, Cristi, Matthes, Bisson: Evidence of phytoplankton Blooms Under Antarctic Sea Ice. Frontiers in Marine Science, November, 2022.
Brouwer, Fraser, Murphy, Wongpan, Alberello, Kohout, Horvat, Wotherspoon Massom, J. Cartwright, G. Williams: Altimetric observation of wave attenuation through the Antarctic marginal ice zone using ICESat-2. The Cryosphere, 16, 2325–2353, June, 2022.
Maisonnave, Bourdallé-Badie Coupling NEMO global ocean with hemispheric Arctic and Antarctic ice models Technical Report, TR/CMGC/22/18, CECI, UMR CERFACS/CNRS No5318, France, 2022.
Horvat, Roach. WIFF1.0: A hybrid machine-learning-based parameterization of Wave-Induced sea-ice Floe Fracture.) Geoscientific Model Development, January, 2022.
Olason, Rampal, Dansereau. On the statistical properties of sea-ice lead fraction and heat fluxes in the Arctic. The Cryosphere, 15, 1053–1064, February, 2021.
Boutin, Williams, Rampal, Olason, Lique. Wave–sea-ice interactions in a brittle rheological framework. The Cryosphere, 15, 431–457, January, 2021.
Horvat. Wave–sea-ice interactions in a brittle rheological framework. Nature Communications volume 12, Article number: 2221 (2021).