Energetics and Transfer of Submesoscale Brine Driven Eddies at a Sea Ice Edge by Anna Lo Piccolo, Christopher Horvat and Baylor Fox-Kemper published in the Journal of Physiscal Oceanography.
Submesoscale eddies grow from baroclinic instabilities along a sea-ice edge under freezing conditions, via an inverse energy cascade. They cause a faster overturning of the front and a lateral expansion of the frontal region, which presents some common behavior under different atmospheric temperatures. The continuously-forced submesoscale-eddies of the polar regions are fundamentally different from the initial-condition frontal-adjustment problem valid for mid-latitude oceans.
Fig.6 (from Anna Lo Piccolo et al.): Mixed layer kinetic energy at days 10 (a) and 20 (b) for REF. πΏπ πππππ is represented by the pink lines as distance from the sea ice edge in the initially ice-covered (positive y-axis) and ice-free (negative y-axis) regions. πΏππππ¦ indicates the size of the most energetic eddy, marked by the dark red distance along the sea ice edge.