
Energetics and Transfer of Submesoscale Brine Driven Eddies at a Sea Ice Edge by Anna Lo Piccolo, Christopher Horvat and Baylor Fox-Kemper published in the Journal of Physiscal Oceanography.

Submesoscale eddies grow from baroclinic instabilities along a sea-ice edge under freezing conditions, via an inverse energy cascade. They cause a faster overturning of the front and a lateral expansion of the frontal region, which presents some common behavior under different atmospheric temperatures. The continuously-forced submesoscale-eddies of the polar regions are fundamentally different from the initial-condition frontal-adjustment problem valid for mid-latitude oceans.


Fig.6 (from Anna Lo Piccolo et al.): Mixed layer kinetic energy at days 10 (a) and 20 (b) for REF. πΏπ‘ π‘π‘Ÿπ‘’π‘Žπ‘‘ is represented by the pink lines as distance from the sea ice edge in the initially ice-covered (positive y-axis) and ice-free (negative y-axis) regions. 𝐿𝑒𝑑𝑑𝑦 indicates the size of the most energetic eddy, marked by the dark red distance along the sea ice edge.