| SASIP Newsletter | |  |
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Science Spotlight |
Scale-Dependent Air-Sea Exchange in the Polar Oceans: Floe-Floe and Floe-Flow Coupling in the Generation of Ice-Ocean Boundary Layer Turbulence |
Using a sea ice discrete element model, Samuel Brenner and colleagues investigate in this new paper published in Geophysical Research Letters how floe collisions ("floe-floe interactions") and the relative scales of ocean variance ("floe-flow interactions") jointly impact ice-ocean coupling and contribute to the generation of turbulence in the ice-ocean boundary layer. |
Science Updates |
Implementation of a brittle sea-ice rheology in an Eulerian, finite-difference, C-grid modeling framework: Impact on the simulated deformation of sea-ice in the Arctic |
In this new preprint published in Geoscientific Model Development, Laurent Brodeau, Pierre Rampal et al., describe how they achieved the numerical implementation of the Brittle Bingham-Maxwell sea-ice rheology (BBM) into SI3, the sea-ice component of NEMO |
Toward a coupling of NeXtSIM-DG with NEMO |
As part of WP1 and WP5, a new version of the NeXtSIM sea-ice model using the discontinuous Galerkin discretization is being developed by Einar Ólason, Tim Spain, Eric Maisonnave and colleagues . Both the thermodynamical and dynamical components of the sea ice model are now available on the Eulerian version of the code, with the discretization on the ORCA grid being finalized and tested (NERSC). Once the coupling fields (stress, fluxes) needed by the OASIS coupler are checked, a first version coupled to the NEMO model will be run. These developments will allow us to run a NEMO-neXtSIM-DG configuration for the first time using the Eulerian version of the code. This work is planned for February/March. |
News |
2024 DRAKKAR Ocean Modelling Workshop |
Pierre Rampal, Laurent Brodeau, Romain Bourdallé-Badie, Rym Msadek and Camille Le Gloannec will attend the DRAKKAR meeting in Grenoble on January 29-31 to get the latest research updates from the NEMO community, and to share and discuss the results of ocean-sea ice simulations performed with the NEMO system and obtained as part of SASIP. |
The Arctic Frontiers annual conference |
Guillaume Boutin, Timothy Williams, Chris Horvat and Laurent Brodeau will present their work on modelling the wave impact on sea ice dynamics in the Arctic at the Arctic Frontiers annual conference in Tromsø, Norway, on January 30. |
Webinar with Francesca Vittorioso from the University of Bologna 👩🏫 |
Want to learn about the contribution of the assimilation of MTG/IRS radiances for the characterisation on the atmospheric chemical composition over Europe ? Join us on Wednesday, February 21 at 3 PM CET ! |
Data & Software |
Have a look at the codes and tools produced and maintained by SASIP members here and the list of datasets they find useful for their research here. |
Welcome on board ! | Allison Cavallo recently joined our team as research assistant for science communication at Brown University. She is an undergraduate studying geophysics with a focus on physical oceanography. Her current research interests include waves in polar oceans, sea-ice/ wave interactions, and the relationship between global warming and ocean wave climate. |
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Vacancies 👩💻 |
Two positions will be open in spring 2024: A PhD position at LOCEAN to work of the impact of BBM rheology on the representation of leads and polynyas in particular in the Southern Ocean; A postdoc position at CECI to investigate the impact of BBM rheology changes at large-scale.
Stay tuned for more details about these job offers! |