
Ocean/sea-ice coupled experiment performed with NEMO 4.2.2 at 36th of a degree, with SI3 (sea-ice component) using the newly implemented BBM brittle rheology of Òlason et al., 2022

Reference: Brodeau, Rampal, Òlason & Dansereau, 2024: “Implementation of a brittle sea-ice rheology in an Eulerian, finite-difference, C-grid modeling framework: Impact on the simulated deformation of sea-ice in the Arctic”, Geoscientific Model Development.

Computation performed on the AdAstra HPC resource at CINES, Montpellier, France.

3-hourly sea-ice thickness and SST in the whole computational domain of the Pan-Arctic NANUK36 configuration.

3-hourly sea-ice damage and SST in the whole computational domain of the Pan-Arctic NANUK36 configuration.

3-hourly vorticity of sea-ice velocity and relative vorticity of surface ocean current in the whole computational domain of the Pan-Arctic NANUK36 configuration.

3-hourly sea-ice thickness and SST in a zoom of the Baffin Bay.

3-hourly sea-ice thickness and SST in a zoom of the central Arctic.

3-hourly sea-ice thickness and SST in a zoom over the Sptizberg archipelago.