
This month we publish a video from work in progress in SASIP-WP3, provided by by S. Brenner, C. Horvat, A. Lo Piccolo, P. Haul @ Brown University, USA.

Fig.: Movie produced by S. Brenner, C. Horvat, A. Lo Piccolo, P. Haul @ Brown University, USA. Work in progress in SASIP-WP3. These computer simulations of sea ice floes in the marginal ice zone show how they dynamically move and collide in response to the underlying ocean currents (shown with colour and arrows). As the ocean speeds up and forms looping patterns, the ice is drawn along paths of fast-moving currents. Ice floes eventually collect in patches where there are clockwise-rotating eddies in the ocean. Using these models, we are investigating how the ice and ocean interact at the floe scale. Technical details: Sea ice floes are modelled using “FloeDyn” (Rabatel et. al., 2015; Ocean currents are from Lo Piccolo (2021; FloeDyn is “one-way coupled” to the ocean surface current field.