This month we publish two videos made for illustrative purposes in SASIP-WP0, provided by Laurent Brodeau (CNRS & Datlas), and Stephanie Leroux (Datlas), Grenoble.
Fig: The above movie shows the evolution every 6h of sea-ice concentration, then thickness, then damage in a numerical simulation of the Arctic region featuring the neXtSIM sea-ice model coupled to NEMO/OPA ocean model via the OASIS coupler. Credits: Data from the WIZARD project @ CMEMS_EU. Movie created by S. Leroux (Datlas, Grenoble), with the Paraview software.Fig: From L. Brodeau (CNRS & Datlas, Grenoble). Sea-ice concentration and SST in a “NEMO/OPA-neXtSIM” coupled ocean/sea-ice model. The movie shows the evolution of sea-ice concentration and SST every 6h in a numerical simulation featuring NEMO/OPA coupled to neXtSIM sea-ice model via OASIS coupler. Credits: Data from the WIZARD project @ CMEMS_EU. Movie created by L. Brodeau with the climporn suite of tools.