

We are looking for a highly motivated postdoctoral researcher with an interest in ice-ocean and ice-atmosphere interactions to assess the climate relevance of integrating a newly developed sea ice model based on Brittle Bingham-Maxwell (BBM) rheology into a fully coupled climate model.

The postdoc will take advantage of the recent integration of the BBM rheology into SI3 (Brodeau et al. 2024), the sea ice component of the NEMO ocean model, to explore its advantages over the default Viscous-Plastic rheology of SI3. The focus will be on the simulation of ice-ocean and ice-atmosphere interactions, as well as large-scale climate-relevant features. Initially, the postdoc will analyse ocean-sea ice simulations (NEMO-SI3 and NEMO-neXtSIM driven by atmospheric forcing). Subsequently, the candidate will work on fully coupled simulations (NEMO-SI3-ARPEGE), contributing to their set up and comparison with available observations. In addition, with the support of SASIP scientists and engineers, the candidate will implement new damage-related ocean mixing parameterisations and assess their effects in sea-ice covered ocean regions.

The successful candidate will be based at CECI/CERFACS in Toulouse and will work closely with SASIP partners at Mercator Ocean International (Toulouse), CNRS-IGE (Grenoble), CNRS-LOCEAN (Paris), NERSC (Norway), and Brown University (USA).

More details on the position and the application process can be found here:

Application deadline: July 1.

If you have any questions, please contact